Sweden Launches World’s First Self-Sailing Electric Passenger Ferry

The Zeam ferry will transport passengers between the Stockholm islands of Kungsholmen and Södermalm.

Sweden Launches World’s First Self-Sailing Electric Passenger Ferry

Torghatten AS a Norwegian shipping company, is set to launch the world’s first self-driving and electric commercial passenger ferry the “Zeam Ferry”. Starting this year, the vessel will be an electric catamaran providing continuous service every day between the Stockholm islands of Kungsholmen and Södermalm.

The autonomous catamaran known as Brødrene Aa is building Zeam. This vessel is a crucial element of an initiative to promote sustainable urban mobility and draw global attention through its environmentally conscious features.

The autonomous urban ferries concept originated at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. The research findings gave rise to Zeabuz, a company co-owned by Torghatten AS, with a mission to promote sustainable urban mobility. Zeabuz developed and provided the autonomous system for the passenger ferry.

The Zeam ferry is 39 feet has a capacity of up to 25 people (and bicycles) and will operate every 15 minutes for up to 15 hours per day. The aim is to decrease carbon emissions and ease traffic congestion in the coastal metropolis.

The vessel will be powered by an electric motor and charged by a 188-kWh battery bank provided by ZEM, which will be charged up by a 7.7-kW solar panel located on the top.

Sweden zeam ferryThe self-sailing autonomous cruiser operates without the need for a crew. Its AI-based “digital captain” will use radar and LiDAR, to navigate a clear path, while infrared and vision cameras keep track of objects on the water.

The ultrasonic sensors assist with automatic docking maneuvers and GPS facilitates accurate positioning. Torghatten AS assures that the self-sailing technology has undergone thorough testing for safety, but a captain will initially be present on board to oversee the crossings and ensure smooth operation.

Electric Zeam FerryAccording to Reidun Svarva, the Chief Business Development Officer at Torghatten, the company aims to extend the use of the  Zeam ferry to other regions worldwide. As per reports, Paris is exploring the possibility of employing this zero-emission ferry on the Seine for the 2024 Olympics.

However, if you wish to witness its functionality beforehand, the ferry is set to make its debut in Stockholm in June.

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