WEPTOS A/S is a Danish company that specializes in design and product development. They have been in operation since 1991 and have gained expertise in many fields.
The company is known for its innovative approach and holds patents worldwide. The name WEPTOS is short for “Wave Energy Power Take-Off System” and is a trademark registered globally.
The WEPTOS WEC (Wave Energy Converter) has developed a way of capturing wave energy. Its unique floating angular shape enables controlling wave energy input and reduces the impact during bad weather.

The V-shaped structure absorbs wave energy via a series of rotors, which then carry the energy to a central axle, which is directly linked to a generator. This generates a continuous and stable energy output throughout the wave’s duration and allows the use of other traditional generator options.
The rotor’s design is based on the well-known Salters Duck geometry, which gained attention in 1974 for its high energy conversion efficiency.
The WEPTOS version of the Salters Duck rotor has been modified to be significantly lighter without compromising efficiency.

WEPTOS technology is unique because it uses a mechanical energy extraction method that works in two directions as the rotors move.
These rotors are aligned at an angle to the direction of wave propagation and are relatively short, enabling sustained rotation of the central axle at speeds similar to wind turbines.
When a wave hits a rotor, the Power Take Off (PTO) mechanism starts the central axle’s rotation. After the wave passes, the rotor’s center of gravity swings it back towards its starting point, while still rotating the central axle.
The method is extremely efficient and does not require any additional steering devices.

Survivability was a crucial factor in the structure’s development. The Wave Energy Converter has an adjustable opening angle that can be changed based on the sea conditions.
During wave conditions, the device can widen to capture more wave power, while in larger and more severe wave conditions, it can reduce its interaction with excessive wave power to increase its survival.

The structure’s angle can be adjusted automatically to optimize power output to the generator based on the changing wave conditions. The direct drive system is reliable, strong, and noise-free, providing exceptional performance.
WEPTOS has also created a Power Take Off (PTO) system, which is a significant advancement in the mechanical extraction of wave energy.
The PTO system has been thoroughly tested and proven to be highly effective, enabling the use of traditional generator technology from wind turbines.

WEPTOS is collaborating with Aalborg University’s Wave Energy Research Group and Zacco Denmark A/S to examine and assess the technology.
During the design and testing phases, the WEPTOS wave energy converter has shown potential as an industry pioneer, making wave energy a practical alternative. Its low levelized cost of energy (LCoE), consistent energy production, and adaptability make it an appealing option.